General information
1.1 Event description
1.2 Organizer
1.3 Race director
1.4 Event participation
1.5 Participation conditions
1.6 Number of participants
2.1 Categories
2.2 Eligibility requirements
2.3 Registration conditions
2.4 Registrations transfer
2.5 Registration cancellation
2.6 Mandatory and recommended equipment
2.7 Route, route navigation and an early withdrawal
2.8 Check points and time limits
2.9 Fair play
2.10 Insurance
2.11 Refreshments
2.12 Safety and first aid
2.13 Personal information protection
2.14. Event cancellation due to force of nature / emergency or due to government restrictions
General information
1.1. Event description
Big Bear’s Ultra – BBU (further “event”) is an individual race in mountainous areas around the city of Žilina categorized as ultra trail (mountain ultramarathon) with 40 km, 62 km a 118 km routes. The routes pass through Krivánska Malá Fatra (National park), Lúčanská Malá Fatra, Strážovské vrchy (Protected nature area) as well as through other forest and mountain terrain around the city of Žilina. Event is semi-autonomous – no crewing allowed, supported by refreshment stations arranged by organizer.
1.2. Organizer
ursa sport, s.r.o.
Company Number: 44737530, Tax number: 2022803178, VAT Number: SK2022803178
Address: Revolučná 10, 010 01 Žilina
Correspondence address: ursa sport, s.r.o., Revolučná 10, 010 01 Žilina
E-mail address:
1.3. Race director
Miloš Pintrava, e-mailová adresa:
1.4. Event participation
1.4.1. Any person of 18 years old or more on the day before the event date that meets the eligibility criteria as described in Rules (see 2.2.) can register regardless of sex, nationality or country of origin. No membership in sports or tourist club is required. (for person younger than 18 please refer to 1.5.4b).
1.4.2. Each participant must carefully consider whether he is physically and mentally capable to complete a very difficult event route in mountainous environment (see 2.8.).
1.4.3. All the participants will be reminded before the race start that the route takes them through protected areas and that they must comply with rules and regulations of movement in the protected areas of National Park Malá Fatra and other protected areas along the route.
1.4.4. Only persons meeting the criteria for participation at mass sporting events according to the government regulations at the time of the event will be allowed to participate.
1.5. Participation conditions
1.5.1. Event participation is voluntary and at participant’s own risk.
1.5.2. Organizer is not responsible for damages to participants or caused by participants.
1.5.3. Organizer recommends a medical check up prior to participation at the event to every participant.
1.5.4. Only an individual meeting the following criteria can participate at the event: 18 years of age latest a day before the event. If younger than 18 (15-17 years old at the time of the event) all these conditions have to be met:
a) application is approved by organizer (organizer reserves a veto power meaning the application can be rejected without any specific reason)
b) parent or a legal guardian attends the pre-race registration in person and confirms his/her agreement with under 18 person’s participation in writing. Participant registers through the official registration channel and pays the registration fee. Registration is done using the registration system selected for the current event (AvaiBook Sports). Participant checks-in at the assigned check-in place at the set check-in time. Participant passes the mandatory gear check at the check-in. (see 2.6). Participant signs and submits the waiver form. Organizer reserves the right to ban a person under the influence of alcohol or narcotic and psychotropic substances. Organizer reserves the right to reject a participant registration with or without a reason.
1.6. Number of participants
1.6.1. Number of participants is limited at the event is limited at 1000. The combined number of relay teams and participants at BBU100+ route can’t exceed 300.
1.6.2. In case of interest larger than the event capacity a waiting list will be created.
DNF – Did not finish
DSQ – disqualification
GPS – global positioning system
HS – Mountain services (volunteers); HZS – Mountain rescue services
2.1. Categories
Category 1: Men (18-45 and over 45)
Category 2: Ladies (18-45 and over 45)
Relays: Men, Ladies, Mix
2.2. Eligibility requirements
There are no qualifying criteria for the third edition of the BBU however each participant must carefully consider whether he is physically and mentally capable to complete a very difficult event route in mountainous environment within the set time limits.
2.3. Registrations conditions
2.3.1. Registration is possible only through the official registration channel AvaiBook Sports. Registrations will be open until September 12, 2025.
2.3.2. Registration fee must be paid as per instructions during registration process.
2.3.3. Registration is valid only after receipt of the registration fee.
2.3.4. Qualifying conditions as per 2.2. must be met.
2.4. Registration transfer
2.4.1. Registration transfer is possible latest until September 12, 2025. The service fee for registration transfer is 5€. If you are making the registration transfer please email This request must be made by the originally registered person only. The race pack can only be collected by the person registered for the race. After race pack collection the registration transfer is no longer possible.
2.4.2. Person to whom the registration is transferred must meet the eligibility requirements (2.2.) and all other participation conditions (1.4., 1.5:, 2.3.)
2.4.3. Only same route registration transfer is possible.
2.4.4. Paid registration fee will not be returned. Settlement of the registration fee is the private matter between the two parties of the transfer.
2.4.5. Until July 31, 2025 it will be possible to order BBU tech tee and BBU cap during registration. After this date the orders for caps and tees will be closed and it will not be possible to make any changes in them.
2.5. Registration cancellation
2.5.1. To cancel the registration it is required to send an email to
2.5.2. E-mail must contain name, surname, registration number and bank account number for the refund in case the participant meets the criteria for the refund according to 2.5.3.
2.5.3. Registration fee is not refundable except in case the participant has paid the refund guarantee fee during the registration and informed the organizer about cancellation by email to latest 14 days before the event start (September 6, 2025). Refund guarantee fee will not be returned.
2.5.4. Fees for add-on services and merchandise ordered during the registration will not be refunded. If the participant wishes to have the purchased merchandise shipped to him/her, he/she must notify the organizer within 14 days after the last day of the event. Shipping cost must be paid by the participant.
2.5.5. In case of pregnancy it is possible to transfer the registration to the following year.
2.6. Mandatory and recommended equipment
2.6.1. Basic mandatory equipment for BBU100+, BBU60+, BBU40 and BBU RELAY
a) Backpack, running belt or their combination sufficient to carry the complete mandatory gear during the entire event.
b) Charged, turned on mobile phone (we recommend smartphone), participant must be reachable anytime before during and after the event:
– mobile phone must have the organizer contact numbers saved, participant’s phone number can’t be hidden and battery must be charged.
– phone must be on, plane mode is not allowed and may result in penalizations and disqualification.
– external battery or power bank is strongly recommended
c) Own cup min 1.5 dl (bottles or vacuum flasks with lids are not accepted as cups)
d) Bottles or camel back with minimum total capacity 1 liter.
e) Headlamp with spare batteries (at least 200 lumen). If the headlamp comes with a rechargeable battery a power banks with charging cable is accepted instead of a spare batter
– For BBU100+ plus spare headlamp with spare batteries. If the headlamp comes with a rechargeable battery a power banks with charging cable is accepted instead of a spare battery
– For BBU60+ the spare headlamp is not mandatory but it is recommended
– For BBU RELAY the headlamp including spare batteries is mandatory only for legs 3 and 4
f) Survival (metallic) blanket 1.4 x 2 m min.
g) Whistle
h) Food reserve minimum 2 energy bars or 2 gels (or equivalent) at the start and at the departure of the Strečno CP.
i) Cap, hat, scarf or bandana
j) First aid kit – elastic bandage (min. 100 x 6 cm), 2x plaster, 2x antiseptic wipe or alternative
k) At least EUR20 cash for emergency
l) Personal ID
m) Insurance covering mountain rescue in Slovakia (see 2.10)
– For BBU RELAY this insurance is only mandatory for legs 2 and 3
n) Rubbish bag or other container for personal rubbish – separate rubbish only pocket on the backpack also acceptable.
o) Jacket with hood waterproof recommended min. 10,000 Schmerber and breathable RET inferior = 13.
– jacket must be with integrated hood originally attached to the jacket by manufacturer
– seams must be sealed
– jacket can’t have parts of the material that are not waterproof but air vents fitted by manufacturer (under-arm etc). are accepted.
– It is the responsibility of the participant to judge if his/her jacket meets the required criteria and can withstand the adverse weather in the mountains. However during the gear check the opinion of the organizer will prevail and will be final.
2.6.2. Equipment for cold, rainy or windy conditions (can be required by organizer in case of adverse weather conditions)
In case of cold weather forecast the organizer may require also additional warm layer (midlayer between jacket and base layer).
2.6.3. Other recommended gear
a) Spare warm clothes necessary in case of cold, rainy or windy weather or in case of injury.
b) Running poles
c) Vaseline, cooling cream or gel
d) Bear bell
e) GPS watch with race route uploaded
f) Small knife or folding scissors for cutting the bandages
h) Blister patches
i) power bank with relevant charging cables
2.6.4. If you decide to use the poles you have to carry them with you the whole time. It is not allowed to take the poles from or leave them in the drop bag or to take or leave them anywhere along the race route.
2.6.5. There is no mandatory equipment for BBU20.
2.7. Route, route navigation and an early withdrawal
2.7.1. The route follows marked forest and mountain trails through the Malá Fatra mountains (National Park and Lúčanská Malá Fatra), Strážovské vrchy (including Súľov Rocks) and other hills around city of Žilina with several significant and technical ascents and descents. The route also includes several exposed and rocky sections.
2.7.2. Detailed route descriptions and GPX files for navigation will be available on the event website. Organizer will also send them to all participants by email.
2.7.3. Route will also be marked by organizer. However this marking is complementary only as the organizer can’t guarantee that route markings will not be removed by wind, rain, random passers etc … If there is any discrepancy between route markings and GPX navigation the GPX navigation is to be followed. The Malá Fatra National Park section between CP Belá and CP Strečno is not specially marked by organizer (permit conditions in the Malá Fatra National Park area).
2.7.4. Participants movement is only allowed on the race route – the marked trails according the route description.
2.7.5. It is forbidden to enter private land.
2.7.6. Withdrawal from the event is only allowed at the official checkpoints. Participants withdrawing outside of checkpoints and/or without informing the organizer about their withdrawal will be banned from all future editions of the event and will be responsible for all the cost occurred while localizing them including the cost of search and rescue.
2.7.7. If you withdraw from the race and you are still at the area of the National Park Malá Fatra you must leave the National Park before 9pm.
2.7.8. In case of thunderstorms ascent on exposed areas is not allowed.
2.7.9. Organizer (including volunteer or mountain rescue member) has the right to stop the participant if his condition suggests that he/she may not be able to complete the route (obvious injury, excessive exhaustion…) and his/her further participation would be highly risky. Participant stopped by the organizer will be registered as DNF and will no longer be considered as a participant.
2.7.10. Organizer reserves the right to suspend or if necessary to stop the event if the situation requires it (adverse weather, thunderstorms). Organizer also reserves the right to amend the route.
2.7.11. Organizer reserves the right to disqualify(DSQ) any particpant showing signs of intoxication (alcohol, drugs) during the event.
2.7.12. Organizer has zero tolerance policy on aggressive and abusive behaviour of participants. Any physical or verbal attacks of a participant against organizer, volunteers, other event support personell or other participants results in immediate disqualifications (DSQ) of the participant as well as a ban from future editions of the event.
2.7.13. The organizer does not support the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibalgin, Ibuporfen, etc. during ultra runs. Although anti-inflammatory drugs may be part of the first-aid kits at the control stations, if it is necessary to administer them to the participants, the volunteers have instructions to withdraw the participant from the race and classify him as a DNF.
2.8. Check points and time limits
Organizer reserves the right to amend the time limits listed below if the situation requires.
BBU100+ / relays | Limit: | BBU60+ | Limit: | BBU40 | Limit: |
CP1 Zástranie | |||||
CP2 Belá | |||||
CP3 Snilovské sedlo | 8h | ||||
CP4 Chata pod Suchým | 12h | ||||
CP5 Strečno | 14h | ||||
CP6 Sedlo Javorina | CP1 Sedlo Javorina | ||||
CP7 Turie | 19h | CP2 Turie | |||
CP8 Dielnice | CP3 Dielnice | CP1 Dielnice | |||
CP9 Hrad Hričov | 26.5h | CP4 Hrad Hričov | CP2 Hrad Hričov | ||
CP10 Ovčiarsko | CP5 Ovčiarsko | CP5 Ovčiarsko | |||
Finish | 30h | Finish | 18h | Finish | 9h |
2.9. Fair play
2.9.1. Refusal to assist another participant in distress, physical or verbal abuse or endangering organizers and volunteers, refusal to submit to mandatory gear check, missing mandatory gear (mainly jacket – if required, headlamp, mobile phone, survival blanket, water reserve min. 1 liter) results in disqualification of participand (DSQ).
2.9.2. Leaving the route on purpose (taking shortcuts), using transportation, damaging, destroying or stealing property of organizer as well as any other cheating and dishonest behaviour results in disqualification (DSQ) of the participant and ban from all the future editions of the event.
2.9.3. Littering is strictly forbidden. Anyone found littering on during the race will be disqualified (DSQ).
2.9.4. Not following the instructions of organizer, volunteers, volunteers from mountain services or members of the mountain rescue services results in disqualification (DSQ) of the participant and ban from all the future editions of the event.
2.9.5. DSQ will be applied at the place where breaking of the rules was discovered. DSQ will be performed by the organizer or volunteer present at the place after phone consultation with the race director.
2.9.6. If a participant gives an assistance to another participant in distress the race director can apply a time compensation for the time spent assisting another runner.
2.9.7. Appeal against possible organizational issues or any competition issues can be filed at the finish lates 1 hour after the conclusion of the event. Appeal together with EUR20 deposit is filed in person by the participant with the race director or volunteer. If the appeal is successful the EUR20 deposit will be returned to participant. In case of unsuccessful appeal the deposit will be forfeited in favour of the orgnaizer. Race director’s decision is final.
2.10. Insurance
Participant is required to have suitable insurance for the duration of the event. Insurance must cover the cost of search and rescue in Slovakia and must be valid for participation in organized sporting and tourist events.
Exclusions from the insurance should not mention sports competitions and / or sport activities.
Participant has to show the proof of suitable insurance at the race check-in.
Securing of suitable insurance and its validity for the event is the duty of each participant. Each participant is responsible for all the costs that may occur as a result of his insufficient, invalid or non-existent insurance.
2.11. Refreshments
The organizer provides participants with refreshments at designated check points. Except the refreshments at the refreshment stations organizer requires the participants to carry with them sufficient own food reserve at least as stated at the mandatory gear requirements.
2.12. Safety and first aid
The Mountain rescue services (HZS) are notified about the event according to the law and are ready to provide assistance to participants if necessary.
Members of Mountain rescue services (HZS) are considered as organizers and participants must follow their instructions. Ignoring the instructions of members of Mountain rescue services (HZS) results in disqualification (DSQ) of the participant and ban from all the future editions of the event.
First aid boxes sufficient to treat minor injuries are available at the checkpoints. At several checkpoints there will be volunteers trained and certified to provide first aid.
If participant suffers an injury and is not able to to reach nearest checkpoint he / she is required to inform about the acident in following order:
– Nearest checkpoint covered with volunteers from Mountain services (HS) (phone contacts are in the route description each participants receives)
– NONSTOP hotline of Mountain rescue service (HZS) – phone 18300 (toll free number)
– Mountain rescue service centre (Stredisko HZS) Malá Fatra – Vrátna: phone no. +421 (0)903 624 028 / +421 (0)41 569 5232
– Emergency services hotline: phone no 112 (toll free number)
2.13. Personal information protection
2.13.1 Participant agrees with collection of his personal data listed in registration form with purpose of registration for the event by organizer ursa sport, s.r.o., Revolučná 10, Žilina, company number 44737530 for the duration of 1 year. This agreement can be revoked any time by written request sent to the organizer’s address.
2.13.2 Participant agrees to receive information emails from the organizer, (ursa sport, s.r.o.), from Slovak Ultra Trail League and from Europe Trail Cup.
2.14. Event cancellation due to force of nature / emergency or due to government restrictions
In the event of race’s cancellation due to force of nature / emergency or due to government restrictions, the organizer guarantees to reimburse the entry fee in case of prohibition / inability to put together the event due to emergency / force of nature as follows:
- Cancellation 4 months before the start – 80% refund.
- Cancellation up to 2 months before the event – 70% refund
- Cancellation up to 1 month before the event – 50% refund
- Cancellation up to 14 days before the event – 30% refund
- Cancellation less than 14 days before the event – no refunds.